Jabil Visit #2, Apart from Home & BT, BT's Fluctuating Emotions, Relationship

From 9/18 - 9/20, I am away from home at San Jose, CA for a contract manufacturer visit. Three days are not too much, but I wasn't very happy during this time. The major cause for this dissatisfaction is that I feel BT is not too happy during this time. Either with me or just in general. He blames it on the "nicotine withdraw", since he ran out of e-cig juice. He also does not know for sure if  that is the case. Either way, I am not too thrilled about this emotional dip that he has taken. I guess this experience taught me a lesson in terms of how "I" shouldn't be having the mood swings towards him. I completely understand now, how frustrated he felt when I just suddenly express negative emotions, not to mention that my swings are probably way grander in scale than his.

Note to self: DO NOT swing my moods, especially rapidly, and towards my loved ones. Control myself and think about my demeanor and words before execution.

On a brighter side, I have signed up for the Barre Above teacher training this upcoming Sunday! I am so stoked to participate in the training conducted by one of the top educators in the industry, also the co-founder of Barre Above. She just happen to be in Seattle! What are the chances. After seeing Yumelia's post on her earning the certificate, I was wondering being certified, then I saw the training in WA just less than a week away. Anyway, I think this might the "universe calling", but regardless I am thrilled to embark on this exciting journey - FINALLY! I will utilize this momentum to strengthen my mental power and embark on my fitness journey.
